STRIP ACCUMULATORS > AVN 200-700/6/30 INOX • AVN 700-1300/6/30 INOX
The plant allows you to position the strip tail automatically during the connection stage and makes it easy to insert the strip at the start of production with an input pinch-roll.
It also allows you to lighten the strip rolling pull thanks to an optional extraction pinch-roll equipped with a strip tension measuring and regulating system.
Being modular, it can be easily expanded to meet production needs. Its special structure, exploiting space vertically, allows you to keep production line length as short as possible.
GTC accumulators allow you to keep the strip on the centre line with minimum tolerance, thanks to an automatic “on board” centring system; they leave no signs on the strip as contact surfaces are covered with synthetic material.
Scheda AVN 200-700/6/30 INOX - AVN 700-1300/6/30 INOX